There has never been a better time to teach kids how to code. Recent researches have showed that programming is one of the most valuable skills that peoplecan bring into the job market, so many parents and schools are looking for new engaging, unique and affordable ways to teach computer science to ...
Read moreAcross the globe, many companies are struggling to fill IT positions that require coding and programming skills. Whether the company is a new tech start-up, a thriving financial institution or a blue chip manufacturer, chances are good that they have lots of programming positions to fill but are fin...
Read moreRecent research tells us the United States of America is lagging behind in scientific, mathematical and technological fields. These fast-growing fields are in desperate need of professionals. Eighth-graders in the United States are being outperformed by students in Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Republi...
Read moreFor the first time in my life as a content writer, I’ll do a more personal post. Today, I feel like opening the cover of my own book and sharing some experiences that, somehow, have to do with the field that has been inspiring all of the past posts of this blog: Education. I was lucky enough to...
Read moreThere are a variety of iPad coding apps for kids. In this day and age, all students should have the opportunity to learn how to code with STEM lesson plans built to keep them engaged. Introducing kids to computer coding skills that are critical for the digital age is positive progress and it ensu...
Read moreWe are overwhelmed. We constantly receive information about new education and robotics sites, and without even noticing, we see ourselves in the middle of a pool of data, articles, experts and various notions about a certain field or reality. It becomes hard to find that exact material we were looki...
Read moreThere's no doubt, TED Talks always bring us inspiration, knowledge and new ideas to talk and think about. Robotics, education, coding and STEM are not the exception. There are some amazing perspectives about these subjects out there and we didn't want to miss the chance of showing you some of these ...
Read moreJust likeevery project, brand, product or service, we are in a constant search for inspiration. Many things inspire us to reach our goals and to build new strategies in order to get to a certain position in the worlds of education, STEM and robotics. Events, stories, books, people and many other ite...
Read moreWe all want to be successful in whatever it is we are involved in: Our jobs, our hobbies and our relationships. If you are on a robotics team, you probably want to it to be successful too. But, what is success for a robotics team? Before we know how to achieve something, we must know what we want to...
Read moreIt’s hard to know from where to start when the subject is this amazing man. Seymour Papert did so much for the worlds of education and computer science that it becomes difficult to make people understand the huge influence he had in so many different industries and lives. Seymour Papert, who wa...
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