Robotics Challenge
Turn today's students into tomorrow's engineers, starting with this free 3-hour virtual challenge in partnership with Amazon's Future Engineer program!

Cracking the code on how best to teach CS can be complex. So our pedagogical experts eat, sleep, and breathe how to make it easier with a ‘low-floor, high-ceiling’ curriculum and teaching resources.
Case studies
CoderZ kids show remarkable improvement in computational thinking and technical ability. These essential skills are applicable in any career and open up new opportunities they never imagined possible.
CoderZ blog
Demand for skilled STEM occupations is growing rapidly around the country and CoderZ has the opportunity to help educators around the world prepare students for these engaging careers.
Continue readingSTEM careers are at the forefront of modern innovation, and new jobs within these disciplines are emerging at rates exponentially higher than the U.S. average. CoderZ is built to introduce students to technology, computer science and robotics, opening up the pathway to in demand careers.
Continue readingThe gamified coding platform and curriculum has been named the Best CTE Champions: IT & Coding: Real-World Learning
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Lead your students to the forefront of the STEM revolution with a gamified learning platform.
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