4 iPad coding apps for kids
4 iPad apps that teach kids coding
4 iPad apps that teach kids coding

4 iPad apps that teach kids coding

guide article
Educator tools & PD, K-12 coding and STEM
Updated: October 2022 Oct. 2022
3 minutes read
guide article
Educator tools & PD, K-12 coding and STEM

There are a variety of iPad coding apps for kids.

In this day and age, all students should have the opportunity to learn how to code with STEM lesson plans built to keep them engaged. Introducing kids to computer coding skills that are critical for the digital age is positive progress and it ensures that they are able to innovate using technology. The CoderZ online learning environmenthelps school teach kids coding and it bring robotics to all.

ipad coding apps for kids

One of the key concepts of programming is ‘sequencing’, or putting instructions in a specific order. There are many apps and programs that teach even young children to sequence and use common computer coding principles. Many of these apps are based on games such as taking animals through mazes or maps, for example, to teach kids how to think critically about breaking large problems down into manageable chunks.


The simple idea of sequencing is fundamental to the idea of coding. Swift is a greatprogramming to learn kids to code for iPad programming and many of these apps that are developed with Swift will teach children more about sequencing. There are also a few coding apps that will help kids learn how to program and develop iPad apps. Here, a few iPad coding apps to be considered:

Bee Bot is an iPad coding app for kids that requires young students to carefully think through the steps of getting a bee through a set of increasingly complicated mazes. The higher levels of Bee Bot actually get quite challenging.

Daisy the Dinosaur is a simple program that challenges students to sequence the movements of a cartoon dinosaur to step, jump and spin, thereby turning the sequence of algorithms into a game.


Robozzle is a social puzzle game which teaches programming. Using only a few simple commands, teach the robot to recurse a tree, follow a linked list, or count in binary. Some of the customer reviews include the following:

Really makes u think in logic and best ti learn programming concepts” – Fiazi

Good little play” – TravisG80

This game is really good makes you think, and when I had a problem the developer had awesome customer service!” – Athach

This companion app to the award-winning Kodable Curriculum is designed to teach computer science to elementary students grades K-5 (Ages 4-11). The latest version, which was released in May 2016, makes tracking your Kodable mission progress easier than ever before. Now you can view every lesson plan’s game content easily, as well as your overall progress through the Kodable world. The game presents students with a series of challenges to sequence their way through maze like pathways. Kodable introduces additional coding concepts such as branching and looping. These ideas of If / Then decision making are fundamental to creative code.

Once students grasp the basics of computer coding and programming language, it paves the way for more complex programming skills.

ipad coding & programming apps for kids

CoderZ does not has an iPad app. Our educational learning environment is online and can be accessed only by having a computer with internet access. There are many studies about the usage of iPad in the classroom. Many people talk about how iPads in the classroom can improve education and some others defend a posture that asseverates that having iPads in the classroom can only damage the results.

We, defend innovation and educational tools that appear to draw a path of own discovery. Where the student will learn the required abilities the world demands without even noticing he is learning them. Learning, for example, while programming a virtual robot with CoderZ.

Bring tech excitement & robotics to your STEM class with CoderZ. Run your middle & high school tech teaching activities with unlimited classes, easy student enrolment & project submission in the cloud. Let us help you strengthen your STEM curriculum, to help you reach great heights for your class, for your school and, especially, for your students.

Written by:
CoderZ Team
Written by:
CoderZ Team

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