4 Teachers doing unique things to engage their students
4 Teachers doing unique things to engage their students

4 Teachers doing unique things to engage their students

case study article
Creative thinking & learning skills, Social Emotional Learning
Updated: October 2022 Oct. 2022
2 minutes read
case study article
Creative thinking & learning skills, Social Emotional Learning

There’s no doubt, it is hard to keep our students engaged in class. We’ve written a few articles in the past about things to do to keep students engaged in a STEM class, but the fact that the theory is far from reality is crystal clear.

Today, we want to think outside of the box and invite you to check out these unique teachers doing everything they can to inspire, to engage and to show their students they actually believe in them.

All of these attitudes and activities, that go beyond the academic hours or the curricula, show that when you love what you do, the impact in your students can be unmeasurable.

Therefore, when the school year just begins, we want to show you these 4 sources of inspiration to encourage you to think differently and to collaborate to make the school system more personalized. May the code be with you!

This great teacher created a personalized handshake with each one of the members of his class, and starts the day off this way.

This is an excellent way to show each student of the class that he remembers them, and that each one is a transcendental element of the group. We believe that courage and encouragement are basics for success. Take a look at this teacher who, according to us, deserves a big round of applause.

In this TED talk, Joe Ruhl discusses how after almost 40 years teaching, he understood the importance of the 4 C’s of education. In the amazing speech given, he mentions how our academic curricula should be focused on giving tools, skills and abilities, to prepare students for an unknown future.

Take a look at his fantastic talk!

Catherine Thimmesh explains why she thinks we have a lack of creativity in the classroom, and how can we solve it in a few minutes. In this TEDx talk she gave, she questions current educational practices and proposes new ways to teach, learn and evaluate.

No. The fact the our title is written twice it is not a mistake. Michael Scruggs starts off every morning with his students, using a different mantra. A mantra that allows his class to believe they can, to understand that they are able to do things differently.

In this short video, we see students that start every day knowing that each problem can be solved, and that it doesn’t matter what they have to do, they will be capable of doing it.

Sometimes, the one thing teachers have to do, is to believe their students can. Period.

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CoderZ Team
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CoderZ Team

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