Resources - CoderZ

Teacher Resources


Trending subjects and developments in STEM and CS education

CoderZ League Competition
1 minute read
Omar Cortez
My school participated in CoderZ League in a Box for the first time this year, and it was a fantastic experience! Student engagement in coding was at an all-time high—they were logging hours late at night without it even being homework!
CoderZ Team
Virtual Robotics, K-12 coding and STEM
4 minutes read
Going beyond technical education to help students flourish
Omar Cortez & Jocelyn Cortez, Dallas Independent School District March 4, 2025
Robotics classes reinforce students' learning from across the curriculum in deeply practical ways
CoderZ Team
K-12 coding and STEM
9 minutes read
Where did STEM go?
STEM seemed to fade from the education limelight over the last few years as issues related to COVID-19 demanded attention. Now that the pandemic is officially over, is STEM still a priority in K12? A panel of edtech experts weighs in on the question and gives insights on where STEM is going.
CoderZ Team
K-12 coding and STEM, Educator tools & PD
4 minutes read
5 Ways to Empower Districtwide Success in Computer Science Education
Five ways to build a successful computer science program that extends to every student across the district and nurtures the ongoing development of additional computer science initiatives.
Rebecca Salem
2 minutes read
CoderZ Named 2024 Excellence in Equity – Industry Impact Award Winner
CoderZ named a winner of the 2024 Excellence in Equity – Industry Impact Award in the Math, Science, or STEM solution category for proven results that have advanced educational equity and access for learners.
CoderZ Team
Professional Development, K-12 coding and STEM, Educator tools & PD, Girls in STEM
3 minutes read
Empowering Teachers: Going Beyond an Hour in Computer Science Education
As we wrap up Computer Science Education Week, we would like to send out a big “Thank you!” to all of the teachers bringing computing education to the next generation
Elizabeth Bacon

Webinars Worth Watching

Explore key topics in STEM & CS education with experts in the field

webinar Texas
Pathway to Innovation – Early STEM Education
Wed, Oct 23, 2024
CTE and STEM degree programs provide excellent opportunities for secondary students to explore the different career pathways available to them. However, elementary students are already forming their own identities and career aspirations, long before they have access to CTE education. 
webinar Educator tools & PD
Exploring Assessment: Providing Clear Pathways for Measuring Success
Tue, May 30, 2023
Join us for a webinar introducing the latest teacher feature available to you within your CoderZ account - the Assessment Center!
We will explain the pedagogical approach of assessment within CoderZ courses and walk you through the functionality of the tool


Here's what people are saying about the CoderZ experience

I'm so excited that we are able to bring this critical next-generation skill to our students!
JoNan Bilodeau, Teacher, NH
Adam Newall, AP Computer Science/Robotics/Engineering, MA
"CoderZ has allowed my students to learn and master robotics concepts that would never have been possible in the physical"
I use CoderZ in our Girls Who Code Club. They remain engaged, and they work together--great collaboration
Holly Distefano, Teacher, TX
CoderZ has helped my female students be more confident and to engage in learning coding and math in a fun way.
Lydia Hernandez, Coordinator, TX
This was the first time I had students engaged with CoderZ and they enjoyed it!
Leah Aiwohi, Teacher, HI
I am always looking for opportunities to teach the fundamentals of computer science and robotics for all our students.
Javier Aguilar, Teacher Coach, TX
It allowed me to really challenge and push my robotics students at their own pace to learn how to code.
Spencer Wright, Teacher, TX
We used CoderZ to help us meet CTE Robotics I TEKS for our 8th grade Robotics I class.
Hunter McConnell, Coach, TX
CoderZ is a fun way to introduce computer science, the drag-and-drop format makes it super easy for students to program
Ami Steelman, Director Teacher Coordinator, OK
CoderZ offers a unique, creative, and challenging set of missions and assessments that hold the students attention.
Matt Bouchard, Teacher, NH
CoderZ is a staple in my STEM classes. Students are excited and love that coding feels like playing a video game.
Tiffany Seymour, Teacher, NY
My students had such a great experience collaborating and trying to solve the coding challenges to complete missions.
Veronica Pardo, Teacher, NJ
CoderZ is an amazing platform that helps students with zero experience become coders. My students came 1st in the USA.
Mike Binazeski, Teacher, NJ
My students love the coding activities. They had a great time while they learn how to code and work in a team.
Clarisa Rodriguez, Teacher, AZ
CoderZ gave my students an excellent CS competition. There's not enough of these types of things for middle school kids.
Ryan North, Career Exploration and Computer Science Teacher, CA
My students became more confident in their coding. Students who insisted that they didn't like to code became "hooked".
Tryphena Cuffy, Teacher Coordinator at Richland School District Two, SC
Dory Moore, Science Teacher, Ashford School, CT
"It was easy as a teacher to know where my students were and where they are going, and to help them improve."
Jessica Klauzer-Zimmerman Bell Middle School
Jessica Klauzer-Zimmerman, Bell Middle School, CO
"The class loved it. We could focus on coding, its self-paced and all students found success."
Paola Valdivia Middle School Science Director
Paola Valdivia, Middle School Science Director of STEM Instruction, LA
"Teaching computer science in any form can be daunting - but with CoderZ, we felt completely supported."
Frank Edelblut education commissioner
Frank Edelblut, New Hampshire’s education commissioner, NH
"It’s exciting to see kids so engaged in learning skills that are going to be important for their future."
Meredith Nations Teacher at Causey Middle School
Meredith Nations, Teacher at Causey Middle School, AL
"This is our second year at CoderZ and we just love it!"

Upcoming Events

Plan on attending any of these industry events? Let's meet up!

February 1, 2025 - February 5, 2025
Austin, TX
Visit Intelitek and CoderZ in Booth #853 at this premier STEM education event and see our solutions for Computer Science and Texas
FETC 2025
FETC 2025
January 14, 2025 - January 17, 2025
Orlando, FL
Visit CoderZ in Booth $438 at The Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) that unites visionary educators, innovative tech leaders, and groundbreaking solutions to revolutionize learning.
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