Cyber Robotics 102: Intermediate-level coding course | CoderZ
Cyber Robotics 102

Cyber Robotics 102

100% online,
no installation required
For educators of all backgrounds
Discovery-based learning approach
NGSS & CSTA alignment
Class management tools

Put on your thinking caps and buckle up! Cyber Robotics 102 continues the gamified ride through the world of computer science and robots - this time around with an extensive focus on variables, robotics-related algorithms, and physics in a changing obstacle environment. Promotes critical thinking, investigation, and problem solving.
Includes teachers’ guide, instructional videos, suggested solutions, slide deck for classroom activities, reflective questions for summative assessments, class conclusion Q&As, learning progress heatmap, knowledge base, and help desk.

Who this course is for: Teachers and students grades 8-12, who have successfully completed Cyber Robotics 101 and are looking to build on their foundation to discover new concepts in programming. Short, structured missions and flexible pacing make the curriculum engaging for a range of intermediate and advanced learning levels.

25+ hours , 138 activities

Self-paced, gamified activities with real-time feedback and step-by-step instructions

8th-12th grade
English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Last updated 7/2024

Student Outcomes

Functions: code reusability; Variables: declare, types, and initial value (set)
Comparison, mathematical, and logic operators
A review of coding concepts introduced in Cyber Robotics 101
Motion planning: power, speed, distance, braking
Turns: screw, pivot, and curves
A review of robotics concepts introduced in Cyber Robotics 101
Momentum: Accelerate, stop, overshoot; mass and gravitational force, stability
Control systems: Open/closed loop, 2 and 3 state controls, proportional control
Decomposition, pattern recognition, algorithm design, abstraction, iteration

Course Resources

Teaching Guide

Teaching Guide

Everything you need to flow through each lesson, including: clear objectives, questions for reflection, instructional videos, and more.

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Each session is guided by a presentation that covers the entire session from theory to practice, including: scientific background, examples and sample code, discussion guidelines, play time activities, and speaker notes.

Mission Solutions

Mission Solutions

You can quickly navigate to all the solutions for each lesson in just a few clicks.

Heatmaps and Student Reports

Heatmaps and Student Reports

So you can see how individual students compare to one another, identify specific topics they may be struggling with, and recommend corrective actions.

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Get answers to all your subject matter questions and find your way around the platform.

25+ hours, 14 lessons, 138 activities

Course outline

Plains & Hills 1
8 activities
Code using two motors in a physics-based environment while demonstrating an understanding of power.
Plains & Hills 2
8 activities
Learn motion planning to accommodate the impact of gravity, pushing heavy weights, ramps and slopes.
Cruise Control
10 activities
Use open and closed control systems, conditions, and loops to control the robot's speed.
Dangerous Curves 1
9 activities
Practice HUD to measure angles and code-specific turns with precision using the gyro sensor and reset.
Dangerous Curves 2
9 activities
Use the HUD to measure and code different turn types using “turn to” movement and gyro reset.
Doodling with Distance
7 activities
Get creative and show off your coding skills in this fun doodle-filled pack of missions.
Touch, Avoid, Repeat
7 activities
Code using touch and ultrasonic sensors, boolean logic, and loops to recognize and avoid objects.
Random Obstacles Ahead
12 activities
Use variables and math operators to code decision-making that navigates in a random environment.
Radar Missions
8 activities
Set Ruby’s top ultrasonic sensor joint, code the sensor to scan, and navigate a changing environment.
Colorful Code
12 activities
Use the color sensor, string data type variables, and logic operators to code for self-correction.
Repeat Again
9 activities
Use nested loops and the gyroscope’s X-axis for tilt to determine whether driving up- or downhill.
Magnetic Manipulation
10 activities
Use variables, loops, math and logic operators to code Ruby’s magnetic arm for rearranging objects.
Line Following Logic
15 activities
Learn to use the robot’s arm and an encoder to grab and move objects.
A Hard Block Life
14 activities
Learn to stabilize using the gyroscope’s Y-axis, encoders, variables, and proportional control.
Load more lessons

Other Courses in Our Curriculum

25+ hours
5 languages
Cyber Robotics 101
6th-8th grade
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
  • Exploring & using various sensors
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
45-60 hours
5 languages
Code Farm
5th-6th grade
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
  • Exploring & using various sensors
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
30+ hours
5 languages
Python Gym
8th-12th grade
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
  • Exploring & using various sensors
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)