Cyber Robotics 101: Beginner-level coding course | CoderZ
Cyber Robotics 101

Cyber Robotics 101

100% online,
no installation required
For educators of all backgrounds
Discovery-based learning approach
NGSS & CSTA alignment
Class management tools

Beep, boop, beep beep! This course guides students to discover computer science and robotics concepts by programming their own virtual robot through a series of gamified missions. In addition to discovering the nuts and bolts of coding and controlling robots, they’ll practice STEM, computational thinking, problem solving, and soft skills that include creativity and inquiry.

Includes teachers’ guide, instructional videos, suggested solutions, pacing guidelines, slide deck for classroom activities, class conclusion Q&As, learning progress heatmap, knowledge base, and help desk!

Who this course is for: Teachers and students grades 6-9, with little to no experience in coding and robotics. Short, structured missions and flexible pacing make it engaging for a range of learning levels.

25+ hours , 100 activities

Self-paced, gamified activities with real-time feedback and step-by-step instructions

6th-8th grade
English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Lego Education Blended learning available
Last updated 7/2024

Student Outcomes

Control flows: if, if-else, nested loops, repeat until/while/forever
Functions for code reusability, comparison operators, Boolean conditions
Code efficiency and autonomous decision-making
Manual control and heads up display (HUD)
Motion planning: power and steering arguments
Sensors: touch, gyro, ultrasonic, color, and gyro reset
Teamwork and collaboration, giving/receiving feedback
Inquiry, investigation, prediction, and creativity
Critical and computational thinking for problem solving

Course Resources

Teaching Guide

Teaching Guide

Everything you need to flow through each lesson, including: clear objectives, questions for reflection, instructional videos, and more.

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Each session is guided by a presentation that covers the entire session from theory to practice, including: scientific background, examples and sample code, discussion guidelines, play time activities, and speaker notes.

Mission Solutions

Mission Solutions

You can quickly navigate to all the solutions for each lesson in just a few clicks.

Heatmaps and Student Reports

Heatmaps and Student Reports

So you can see how individual students compare to one another, identify specific topics they may be struggling with, and recommend corrective actions.

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Get answers to all your subject matter questions and find your way around the platform.

25+ hours, 15 lessons, 100 activities

Course outline

Getting Started
3 activities
Get familiar with the CoderZ learning platform, and discover block categories, and the drive block.
Basic Navigation 1
9 activities
Motion planning with drive power, forward and back, left and right point turns, and backward turns.
Basic Navigation 2
12 activities
Motion planning with power and steering for curved turns, and Smart Blocks for code reuse (functions).
Object Detection
8 activities
Use touch sensor and ‘wait until’ command to code a ‘forward, touch, turn’ motion despite the distance.
Repeat Loops
10 activities
Entering code over and over is obnoxious and increases opportunity for error. Meet ‘Repeat times’.
Gyro Turns
7 activities
Code turns with precision using the gyroscope. Learn about momentum and how to control overshoot.
Gyro Reset
7 activities
Gyroscope readings are cumulative, making repeat loops impossible. Learn how to reset the gyro sensor to 0 in your code.
Domino Creations
1 activity
Take a creative break and have some FUN showing off your coding knowledge in this short lesson.
Challenge Missions I
5 activities
Code it! Using all the skills learned so far, test your knowledge of best practices and efficiency.
Object Detection II
10 activities
Sometimes an object needs to be avoided. The ultrasonic sensor helps the robot keep its distance.
Color Detection
5 activities
Not all measures are about space. The color sensor permits motion planning based on color readings.
Challenge Missions II
4 activities
It’s crunch time again. Let’s see how well you’ve learned the material so far.
Object Manipulation
7 activities
Learn to use the robot’s arm and an encoder to grab and move objects.
Decision Making
9 activities
Program your robot to autonomously react to its environment based on sensory input.
Challenge Missions III
3 activities
Rise to the final challenge! Using all your new skills, code the robot to make autonomous decisions.
Load more lessons

Other Courses in Our Curriculum

25+ hours
5 languages
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8th-12th grade
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
  • Exploring & using various sensors
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
45-60 hours
5 languages
Code Farm
5th-6th grade
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
  • Exploring & using various sensors
  • Controlling robot movements
  • Creating & using smart block (functions)
30+ hours
5 languages
CoderZ Adventure with LEGO® Education SPIKE™Prime
3rd-5th grade
  • Fundamentals of coding and robotics
  • Math and geometry
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical thinking for debugging