3 inspiring lectures about STEAM education and EdTech | CoderZ STEM Blog
3 inspiring lectures about STEAM education and EdTech
3 inspiring lectures about STEAM education and EdTech

3 inspiring lectures about STEAM education and EdTech

case study article
Creative thinking & learning skills, Virtual Robotics
Updated: October 2022 Oct. 2022
2 minutes read
case study article
Creative thinking & learning skills, Virtual Robotics

We’re constantly looking for sources of information and inspiration to be better prepared at the moment to give a class. As educators, we’re obligated to learn from others as much (or even more) than the amount others learn from us.

Today, we want to share with you 3 extraordinary lectures on the subjects of EdTech, STEM and STEAM education that will for sure open your minds to a new, inspiring reality. These lectures, some very new and some a little older but still very, very relevant; are here to turn you from a teacher into a change-agent.

1. When discussing disruption in EdTech with a targeted cognitive intervention, this TED talk given by Mr. Steve Wilkins is the place to go. The lecturer has dedicated his entire life to teach children with language-based learning disabilities. He has proved himself as the next big disrupter by providing education to everyone. Take a look at this lecture and get the inspiration you were looking for.

2. On more than one occasion, we’ve discussed the importance of including arts into your STEM curriculum. Several researchers have proven how significant this paradigm change is. We all know that robots are going to replace us in almost everything we do today, but in the field of arts. Adjusting the concepts of STEM to something closer to what is called STEAM can only enable our children and students to be better prepared to lead tomorrow’s world. Have you ever been on a cruise?

3. Online learning. This is what we do. Besides offering an online learning environment with gamified missions where students worldwide learn STEM through coding and cyber robotics, we truly believe in the concept of online learning.

In this TED talk, Niema Moshiri talks about this new era we are now facing. The 4th industrial revolution is here, and the era of online learning is just a great example of this fact. Enjoy this great lecture and get more information about this and other matters of importance.

CoderZ Professional Development for Teachers Cyber Robotics

We invite you to try a new, exciting STEM tool and to become a pioneer.

We are now offering a 5-day free trial of CoderZ for you to discover how to teach STEM with cyber robotics. May the code be with you!

If you want to watch more exciting lectures, visit our STEM webinars section. Watch our previous sessions and be ready for the upcoming ones.

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CoderZ Team
Written by:
CoderZ Team

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